Why Choose Eco SIPs Homes?
With the demand for Off-Site Modern Methods of Construction ever increasing, there are now many SIPs providers in the UK, so why choose...
You ask - We answer. Today's subjects are Certification and Warranties
Does your Eco SIPs building system have third party approvals? Our Eco SIPs Homes building system has C.A.T.G SIP Mark certification....
OSB3 - The Weetabix Theory - True or False?
I read an article in an online architectural magazine recently. The false claims made in the article inspired me to write this blog to...
Want to know what's included in an Eco SIPs Homes SIPs House kit?
Clients often ask me to explain what is and what isn't included in an Eco SIPs Homes Structural Insulated Panel house kit. We do give all...
"Eight straight 'As'puts EPS at Top of the Class" Read more to find out why polyst
In the UK structural insulated panels are available with a number of different insulation cores; expanded polystyrene (EPS), extruded...
Is air tightness important?
Yes, air tightness is crucial in eliminating heat loss from a building. The superior air tightness of SIPs and the jointing method can...
What is the fire performance of SIPs?
When Eco SIPs Homes Structural Insulated Panels are used as part of a through wall build up they can achieve a fire resistance of up to...
How much time can be saved building with SIPS?
The time savings over timber frame or traditional methods of construction can be significant, if an experienced SIPS installer is...
Check Out Our New Standard Construction Details Booklet
We have just added our new construction details booklet, with Google Sketch Up illustrations to the Technical section of our website.
Did you know that SIPs can be used for party walls between dwellings?
Our SIP building system has been used successfully in party wall construction achieving a 59dB reduction in airborne sound transfer between