So this is what the UK’s ideal home looks like…
So this is what the UK's 'ideal home' looks like, calculated from a survey of 2000 people taken from Go Compare, which was then

Why Choose Eco SIPs Homes?
With the demand for Off-Site Modern Methods of Construction ever increasing, there are now many SIPs providers in the UK, so why choose...

Want to know what's included in an Eco SIPs Homes SIPs House kit?
Clients often ask me to explain what is and what isn't included in an Eco SIPs Homes Structural Insulated Panel house kit. We do give all...

What is the fire performance of SIPs?
When Eco SIPs Homes Structural Insulated Panels are used as part of a through wall build up they can achieve a fire resistance of up to...

How are Structural Insulated Panels made?
Want to find out how SIPs are made? Check out our blog on How SIPs are made or visit our FAQ page

What are SIPs?
Structural insulated panels (SIPs) are prefabricated, high performance, lightweight, building panels that can be used in floors, walls and r