SIPs Self-Build House Kits​
07577 791 936
Garden Rooms
Do you need more space?
Eco SIPs Homes can provide the perfect solution for you.
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We can design, manufacture, deliver and install one of our highly insulated, beautiful, modern, bespoke Garden rooms for you.
Our Garden rooms can have may different functions, here are a few popular ones:
Art Studio
Music room
Garden Office
Garden Gyms
Children's play room
Granny Annexes
Our SIPs garden rooms should not to be compared to a DIY store, timber summer house. The build specification for our Garden rooms is the same as a home extension.
Think of it as a home extension, without the hassle of having to attach it to your home.
The floors, walls and roof are fully insulated to provide an airtight thermal envelope, so unlike the DIY store or garden centre timber summer house, which gets too hot in summer and freezing cold in winter, our SIPs garden buildings are suitable for use all year round.
Our garden room kits include the SIPs structural frame, ground screw foundations, timber cladding, plasterboard, laminate flooring, skirting, sockets and lighting or we can design, manufacture and deliver the SIP structural shell only for finishing by others.
For more information and our full build specification call us today or email